Cons of working with me as a coach with 30 years of corporate experience with a past burnout is that... may end up asking for
- shortcuts
- how I did it
- more advices rather than trying to figure things out yourself
and I may be willing to give you advices even when you'd be better served if I challenged you
- keeping your presence to where you are now, so that you can see yourself what is it that keeps you wanting a shortcut out
- asking you how you would do it
- point you to the freedom that you seek until you realize that you are already what you are seeking.
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To radically transform the way you experience life
Money is an amplifier, if you are happy,
Your sense of urgency drives your path, your inner compass the direction you take
You are not born for greatness
Just to make it clear, my son isn't mine
The majestic side of you is woo woo stuff!
Being a freelance presented me with challenges I didn't have when I worked in corporations.
You have YOUR WAY as I have mine, but we have this in common
Drinking to release tension
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